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Rens Coolen | Osteopathie | Osteopaat | Osteopath | Eindhoven | Strijp | ’t Ven | Bredalaan 53 | Volwassenen | Kinderen | Baby | rugklachten | nekklachten | Sportblessures | Maagklachten | darmklachten | obstipatie | reflux | terugkomende ontstekingen | menstruatieklachten | pijn na operaties | concentratieproblemen | chronische vermoeidheid | burn-out

Do organs have the ability to move?

Throughout the day, not only do muscles and joints move, but so do organs. Organs move in relation to other organs, as well as in relation to bones, joints and muscles. This happens under the influence of every Breathing cycle. Each day you take about 22000 breaths. With each breath, organs move several centimeters from top to bottom.

The organs also follow the movement of the body. For example, when you bend down to pick something up, the organs in the abdomen must also move with you to make this action possible. In addition, several organs have a certain movement that happens involuntarily and is regulated by the autonomic nervous system. This means that you have no conscious control over this. Examples include the peristalsis of the intestines, the contraction of the heart and the movement of the uterus during the menstrual cycle. In summary, organs move an awful lot throughout the day.

How can mobility loss of an organ occur?

In addition to mobility loss of joints, muscles and connective tissue, mobility loss of organs can also occur. This can occur in relation to other organs, as well as in relation to muscles, bones and joints. Many organs have a suspension to anatomical structures of the musculoskeletal system. Examples include: the bladder to the pelvis, the kidneys to deep muscles of the spine and the intestines to the spine, pelvis and diaphragm.

These mobility losses can occur as a result of inflammation or infection. For example, a bladder may not move as well in relation to the pelvis and surrounding organs after a bladder infection. It is also possible for an organ to move more restrictively due to scar tissue after surgery, such as after removal of a gallbladder or appendix. In addition, scar tissue can develop after accidents. Unhealthy lifestyle and stress can also impact blood flow and the autonomic nervous system, causing an organ to move restrictively.

How does a mobility loss of an organ cause a physical complaint?

Many organs have a suspension to an anatomical structure of the musculoskeletal system. Because of this, a loss of mobility of one organ can translate into a loss of mobility of another anatomical structure of the musculoskeletal system, and complaints can arise.

In addition, the organs are innervated by the autonomous nervous system. This part of the nervous system is localized in the brainstem and spinal cord in the spine. Mobility losses of organs generate signals to the spinal cord, causing part of the spinal cord to become "hyperactive." This creates muscle tension of surrounding muscles and also causes a loss of mobility of the spine.

Rens Coolen | Osteopathie | Osteopaat | Osteopath | Eindhoven | Strijp | ’t Ven | Bredalaan 53 | Volwassenen | Kinderen | Baby | sporters | hoofdpijn/migraine | kaakklachten | nekklachten | rugklachten | schouderklachten frozen shoulder | hernia | artrose | maag darm klachten | zwangerschap | endometriose | tinnitus | burn-out | Stress | fibromyalgie | voorkeurshouding | overstrekken | darmkrampjes | reflux | langdurig huilen | huilbaby | problemen met zuigen of slikken | afvlakking van de schedel | plagiocephalie | zindelijkheid | geragsproblemen | concentratieproblemen | motorische ontwikkelingsproblemen | slaapproblemen | keel-neus en oorontstekingen | tenniselleboog | golferselleboog | polsklachten | liesklachten | hamstringklachten | knieklachten | kuitklachten | shin splints | enkelklachten | slijmbeursontstekingen | Peesblessures

Osteopathy takes a holistic view of the human body. Because of this, the osteopath will not only remove mobility losses at the level of the "painful spot", but also in relation to surrounding tissues and more distant tissues that are related to the painful structure.

The osteopath will release the mobility losses that are related to your complaint through manual techniques. This applies to mobility losses of organs, as well as mobility losses of joints, muscles and connective tissues. In addition, blood flow to organs can be improved by releasing the supply and return pathways of blood vessels. In addition, blockages that affect the autonomic nervous system and thus affect the mobility of organs will be removed. After the treatment, the osteopath will advise and explain how you can influence your complaints. This may be through exercises, but also through lifestyle changes or dietary advice. Click here to learn more about osteopathy.

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