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Rens Coolen | Osteopathie | Osteopaat | Osteopath | Eindhoven | Strijp | ’t Ven | Bredalaan 53 | Volwassenen | Kinderen | Baby | sporters | hoofdpijn/migraine | kaakklachten | nekklachten | rugklachten | schouderklachten frozen shoulder | hernia | artrose | maag darm klachten | zwangerschap | endometriose | tinnitus | burn-out | Stress | fibromyalgie | voorkeurshouding | overstrekken | darmkrampjes | reflux | langdurig huilen | huilbaby | problemen met zuigen of slikken | afvlakking van de schedel | plagiocephalie | zindelijkheid | geragsproblemen | concentratieproblemen | motorische ontwikkelingsproblemen | slaapproblemen | keel-neus en oorontstekingen | tenniselleboog | golferselleboog | polsklachten | liesklachten | hamstringklachten | knieklachten | kuitklachten | shin splints | enkelklachten | slijmbeursontstekingen | Peesblessures

What is osteopathy

Osteopathy is a manual treatment method in which complaints are approached from the body as a whole. The osteopath looks for loss of movement in the entire body that influences your complaints. Complaints are handled from three systems: 


  • Parietal System: The Muscles, Bones and Joints. 

  • Visceral System: The internal organs with associated connective tissue structures. 

  • Craniosacral System: The Skull and Nervous System. 


A balance between these three systems is necessary for the proper functioning of your body. This balance can be disrupted by, for example, stress, an adhesion or a vertebral blockage. By means of manual techniques and advice, these systems can be optimized and the balance can be restored. 

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