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Rens Coolen MSc.  

From an early age I have been interested in construction and functioning of the human body. That's why I decidedafter secondary school to study physiotherapy. During one of my internships I came into contact with osteopathy: I was immediately impressed by the knowledge and skills of the osteopath. To my surprise, patients became treated without touching the "sore". This was the reason for me to follow the osteopathy course in addition to my work as a physiotherapist. This gave me insight into the relationship between the organs, the nervous system and the development of physical pain.

Rens Coolen | Osteopathie | Osteopaat | Osteopath | Eindhoven | Strijp | ’t Ven | Bredalaan 53 | Volwassenen | Kinderen | Baby | sporters | hoofdpijn/migraine | kaakklachten | nekklachten | rugklachten | schouderklachten frozen shoulder | hernia | artrose | maag darm klachten | zwangerschap | endometriose | tinnitus | burn-out | Stress | fibromyalgie | voorkeurshouding | overstrekken | darmkrampjes | reflux | langdurig huilen | huilbaby | problemen met zuigen of slikken | afvlakking van de schedel | plagiocephalie | zindelijkheid | geragsproblemen | concentratieproblemen | motorische ontwikkelingsproblemen | slaapproblemen | keel-neus en oorontstekingen | tenniselleboog | golferselleboog | polsklachten | liesklachten | hamstringklachten | knieklachten | kuitklachten | shin splints | enkelklachten | slijmbeursontstekingen | Peesblessures
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