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Rens Coolen | Osteopathie | Osteopaat | Osteopath | Eindhoven | Strijp | ’t Ven | Bredalaan 53 | Volwassenen | Kinderen | Baby | sporters | hoofdpijn/migraine | kaakklachten | nekklachten | rugklachten | schouderklachten frozen shoulder | hernia | artrose | maag darm klachten | zwangerschap | endometriose | tinnitus | burn-out | Stress | fibromyalgie | voorkeurshouding | overstrekken | darmkrampjes | reflux | langdurig huilen | huilbaby | problemen met zuigen of slikken | afvlakking van de schedel | plagiocephalie | zindelijkheid | geragsproblemen | concentratieproblemen | motorische ontwikkelingsproblemen | slaapproblemen | keel-neus en oorontstekingen | tenniselleboog | golferselleboog | polsklachten | liesklachten | hamstringklachten | knieklachten | kuitklachten | shin splints | enkelklachten | slijmbeursontstekingen | Peesblessures

Pricing and reimbursements


An osteopathic treatment takes about 45 minutes. You do not need a referral from a GP or specialist to make an appointment. The cost of the treatment is € 90, - and you can pay immediately after treatment via a pin transaction. After payment you will receive the invoice, printed or via e-mail. You can submit the invoice to your health insurance company. 


The reimbursement of osteopathy is covered by supplementary health insurance. Rens Coolen Osteopathy is affiliated with the NRO (Dutch Register for Osteopathy). This means that most health insurers reimburse the treatment in full or in part after submitting the invoice. On the website of zorgwijzer there is an up-to-date overview of the reimbursements for osteopathy per health insurer. 

Cancelling an appointment

You can cancel your appointment 24 hours before the start of treatment via phone, Whatsapp or email. Appointments that are not canceled in time can be charged, unless there is force majeure. 

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